Total Expenses So Far: $21,531
Select country (Korea) (11/14/05)
Select agency (11/17/05)
Tell our families
Receive preliminary application
Preliminary App filed (12/5/05):
Fill in application
Photo of us, photo of house
Write medical statement, elaborating on treatment for depression
Line up four non-relative references
One copy of tax returns from past three years
Pay $200 fee
Notarized adoption services agreement $10
Fedex to Agency $15
Receive Big App (12/15/05)
Receive Korea
Adoption Guidebook
Home Study Paperwork:
S: Complete "Personal Data" form with 67 essay questions
S: 1 photocopy birth certificate
S: Complete Authorization of Release of Information - Employer
S: Criminal Record Statement
S: LiveScan fingerprint form (for State of California: criminal
and child abuse index)
S: Schedule LiveScan fingerprinting appointments
S: LiveScan fingerprints done, pay $65
S: Medical Exam, including HIV and TB tests
S: Medical Report filled out by doctor
T: Complete 51 essay question "Personal Data" form
T: 1 photocopy birth certificate
T: Complete Authorization of Release of Information - Employer
T: Criminal Record Statement
T: LiveScan fingerprint form (for State of California: criminal
and child abuse index)
T: Schedule LiveScan fingerprinting appointments
T: LiveScan fingerprints done, pay $65
T: Medical Exam, including HIV and TB tests
T: Medical Report filled out by doctor
Complete detailed Financial Statement
1 photocopy marriage license
Photo of baby's room
Map & directions to home
Copy all, keep for records
FedEx packet to agency, $15 (1/12/06)
All 4 non-relative references return 3-page, 10-essay
questionnaires directly to agency (1/28/06)
Home Study Part 2:
Receive & pay invoice for home study $3066
Schedule social worker visits (2/10/06)
Childproof house (smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, outlet
covers) $40
Social worker visit #1 (joint) (2/21/06)
Acceptable Medical Conditions Form (2/27/06)
From that details how "open" an adoption we are willing to
consider (2/27/06)
Social worker visit #2 (S only) (2/28/06)
Social worker visit #3 (T only) (2/28/06)
Sign up for module 1 & 2 of parenting class
Book travel for parenting class in Southern California
Modules 1 & 2 of agency parenting class (in SoCal)
$500 (1/21/06)
Receive 2 completed, certified, notarized copies of Home
Study (4/3/2006)
Agency sends Home Study to Korea
(HSTK) (4/7/2006)
Sign up for modules 3 & 4 of agency parenting class
Take modules 3 & 4 of agency
parenting class (4/9/06)
I-600A filed with US-CIS (Advanced
Processing of Orphan Petition for Visa) (4/6/2006):
I-600A form
Copy certified Home Study
S: Photocopy of birth certificate
T: Photocopy of birth certificate
Photocopy of marriage license
Copy of most recent federal tax return
Proof of medical insurance
$545 fee + $140 for FBI fingerprints = $685
Cover letter
Copy all for records
Mail to US-CIS San Francisco
FBI Fingerprinting:
US-CIS acknowledges receipt of I-600A (4/12/06)
FBI Fingerprinting appt. scheduled (different than LiveScan
FBI Fingerprinting completed, for each (4/28/06)
Receive I-171H (Approval of I-600A) (5/11/06)
Pick baby name
Arrange for medical evaluation of referral
Receive Referral (12/29/06)
Child's presentation letter
Child's information
Medical records
Confidential background information
Medical evaluation of Referral by Oakland Children's Hospital (1/10/2007)
File Referral Acceptance Paperwork: ($140 + $12)
Child Information Transmittal
Pay invoice for $17,500
3 Placement Agreements - all notarized
T: 4 Statements of Adoption (for child's Korean passport) - all
3 Travel Option forms
1 Foreign Travel Release - notarized
T: 2 Affidavit re INS Vaccination Requirements
T: 2 I-864 Affidavit of Support for Immigration
S: 2 I-864A Contract between Sponsor and Household Member
Copy of entire last year tax return, with ALL attachments
Copy of all last year W-2 and 1099 forms
T: Photocopy of birth certificate (again)
S: Photocopy of birth certificate (again)
T: Copy of 2006 paystubs
S: Copy of 2006 paystubs
Photocopy of marriage license (again)
Photocopy everything for records
FedEx to agency (1/6/2007)
Receive child's "legals" from Korea (in English &
Korean): (1/22/2007)
Affirmation and Oath Certificate (attests these documents are true
and correct)
Certificate of the Guardian (certifies Korean agency was guardian)
Statement of Guardianship (transfers guardianship from Korean
agency to American agency)
Extract of Family Register (birth certificate equivalent)
I-600 visa petition form filed w/ US-CIS: (1/25/2007)
I-600 form
Copy of I-171H
Copies of child's legals
Originals of child's legals, with note and SASE envelope
requesting they be returned
Copy of child report
Copy of child photos
Copy of most recent 1040 tax form
Copy of I-864
Copy of I-864A
Letter with visa cable instructions
Fedex to US-CIS San Francisco $25
Meanwhile, the Korean agency works away:
Our application is translated
Korean agency applies for Emigration Permit with Korean Ministry
of Health and Welfare
Ministry approves Emigration Permit (aka "EP")
Agency gets I-171 (I-600 approval) cable from US Embassy in Seoul
Baby tested for Hepatitis B & HIV
Visa physical for baby
Submit application for baby's IR-4 Visa
Resubmit our I-600 visa petition after US-CIS screws up
Buy baby gear (3/17/07)
Baby CPR & safety class (2/17/07)
Line up a regular pediatrician (3/5/07)
Line up a pediatric cardiologist (3/14/07)
Investigate childcare options (3/17/07)
Line up Daycare (5/25/07)
Get on preschool waiting list (1/5/07)
Setup nursery(3/19/07)
Get life insurance for both
Write wills with statements of guardianship wishes (both)
Set up trust
S: Get pre-approval family leave with HR (1/24/2007)
Buy gifts for foster family, Korean agency staff
Make travel arrangements to Korea ($185 plus 240,000 frequent flyer
miles) (3/13/07)
Wrap-up job for a 15-week leave (3/12/07-3/16/07)
Finalize leave plans with HR (3/15/07)
Travel to Korea (3/19/07 - 3/25/07)
Meet both foster mothers (3/21/07, 3/22/07,
In-Korea pre-flight medical exam (3/22/07)
Go to US Embassy in Seoul to process Class-B Waiver (acceptance of
medical condition) 3/22/07
Get the final Visa paperwork (3/22/07)
Take custody of child! (3/23/07)
Long plane ride back to USA (3/25/07)
USA Medical Evaluations
Add baby to my health insurance (3/28/07)
Evaluation by regular pediatrician (3/30/07)
US immunizations (3/30/07)
Evaluation by pediatric cardiologist (4/18/07)
Receive Placement Confirmation Notice from Agency
Receive baby's Green Card in mail (4/16/07)
Get social security number under baby's Korean Name as permanent
resident (4/27/07)
Receive post-placement packet in mail from
Post-placement visits from social worker: (9/12/07)
Visit #1 (4/28/07)
Visit #2 (6/30/07)
Visit #3 (7/26/07)
Visit #4 (9/12/07)
Create and file child "progress reports" with 8-18 photos each, for Korean
agency and government, and a letter with photos for foster family (9/12/07)
1-month progress report (4/28/07)
3-month progress report (6/30/07)
4-month progress report (7/26/07)
6-month progress report (9/12/07)
File US Physician's Examination Report with Agency
File Adoption Finalization Paperwork in our county in California (5/1/07) ($20)
Form ADOPT-200 (Adoption Request) (5/1/07)
Form ADOPT-210 (Adoption Agreement) (5/1/07)
Form ADOPT-215 (Adoption Order) (5/1/07)
Form ADOPT-230 (Adoption Expenses) (5/1/07)
RE-File Finalization Paperwork the State changed in July '07 (ARGH!) (11/13/07)
Form ADOPT-210 (Adoption Agreement) (11/13/07)
Form ADOPT-215 (Adoption Order) (11/3/07)
Finalize Adoption in County Court
Receive "Consent to Adoption" from agency (11/2/07)
Schedule court hearing (coming in December '07!)
- Adoption finalization court hearing (Munchkin is now a US citizen, and his
American name is now his legal name!)
- Have a HUGE Party to celebrate!
- Send agency/Korea copy of child's adoption decree (child is no longer
considered a Korean citizen)
- Send adoption announcements
Secure proof of US citizenship for child:
- Complete & file N-600 with US-CIS, pay fee
- Receive Certificate of Citizenship
- File passport application
- Receive passport
- Apply to SSA to get status changed from resident alien to citizen, SS#
name changed (passport is proof)
Start the process all over again for kid #2!
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful time!
Posted by: Karen | Dec 13, 2005 at 06:05 AM
It was really good to meet you. Don't worry about being socially awkward, you were great. And for the love of god, don't worry about the profanities. It made me feel much better about my really bad potty mouth.
If you ever want to get together for dinner and spew lots of profanities, let me know.
Posted by: statia | Dec 13, 2005 at 09:03 AM
Wow! Seventeen of you, huh! Sounds like an absolute blast.
Posted by: Nico | Dec 13, 2005 at 09:31 AM
Here, here--that was truly an amazing day. And you were anything but antisocial, lady, especially considering you stayed and talked till 8:00 p.m. And I hereby nominate Julianna for...well...something big. The Nobel Party Prize, perhaps?
Posted by: Dead Bug | Dec 13, 2005 at 11:01 AM
I'm so jealous! I want to have a get together in the South, but everyone here gets pregnant at around 15!
Posted by: Lisa | Dec 13, 2005 at 11:19 AM
17 is quite the turnout. When do you think a National or even International meeting should be arranged?
It sounds like a great time and I am green with envy. I bet you even had nice weather! .:snort:.
Posted by: DD | Dec 13, 2005 at 12:22 PM
Raising my glass to Julianna, even though I wasn't there, because I'm sure that she was a southern belle hostess extraordinaire!
But please, how can you speak disparagingly of my Miss Martha? I live each month for the arrival of my Living magazine. Great recipes! Gorgeous photos! Nifty home tips! Beeeeyoootiful stuff. Homemaking elevated to an art form.
(yeah, so she's a bitch to her employees, but I'm sure they'd want me to keep subscribing so they can have a job)
Posted by: wessel | Dec 13, 2005 at 01:00 PM
I'll raise my red wine...and white again to Julianna and everyone for making the lunch a blast. I look forward to Cronefest SFBay 2006.
Posted by: Lori | Dec 13, 2005 at 02:03 PM
Raising another glass to the divine Miss J...and I had plenty of drink along with you Ms S.
It was sooooo much fun. Truly. Thanks for all that you both did to make it spectacular.
As for Martha, I have a friend who knows her and loves her. He's known her since way back when and says she's actually genuine. He can not stand that perky Katie from the Today show. Stories for the next Cronefest.
Posted by: millie | Dec 13, 2005 at 06:10 PM
Awwwww.....I am just getting home from a long, hard day at work (trying to collect hair samples for my Voodoo dolls) and I come home to this! Thank YOU my dear!
Hey, I am good at hugging and greeting and meeting but I am not worth a damn when it comes to adding everything up and making the numbers work! You were awesome!
It was so much more than we ever envisioned, every single person was absolutely amazing.
Thank you, again.
Posted by: Julianna | Dec 13, 2005 at 06:59 PM
So, glad to hear you guys had such a good time! Sorry I missed it!
Posted by: Tiffanni | Dec 14, 2005 at 07:14 AM
Julianna had me at homemade truffles. I'm sitting here, seething with jealousy.
Posted by: mm | Dec 14, 2005 at 10:00 AM jealous! I am not surprised that the divine Miss J would be the hostess with the mostest!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Dec 14, 2005 at 11:23 AM
A spring potluck sounds like a great idea! And I did not catch any social awkwardness...maybe you did something when I wasn't looking.
Posted by: Donna | Dec 14, 2005 at 01:29 PM
Donna, I was convinced I said something really inappropriate to you. If you didn't notice, then maybe I am in the clear?!?
Posted by: HoldingPattern | Dec 14, 2005 at 03:57 PM